TRAINING (2.4.1)

ACP aims to strengthen and develop atmospheric research in Switzerland and make it better known. It is involved in research policymaking and in higher education and vocational training. It exchanges information with national and international organisations.

Image: NASA

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ACP Award 2020

ACP Award 2020 goes to Aryeh Feinberg, ETH Zürich und EAWAG

At the occasion of the virtual Swiss Geoscience meeting in Zurich in November 2019, the ACP Award for Atmospheric Research was presented to Aryeh Feinberg for his PhD thesis “The atmospheric sulfur and selenium cycles: a global model of transport and deposition”. The award committee was particular impressed by the broad spectrum of the work, covering model development, evaluation and application to investigate the evolution of Selenium cycle with climate change.

ACP Award 2020
Image: Ulrich Krieger
