TRAINING (2.4.1)

ACP aims to strengthen and develop atmospheric research in Switzerland and make it better known. It is involved in research policymaking and in higher education and vocational training. It exchanges information with national and international organisations.

Image: NASA

Parliamentary Group Climate Change

Dissolved at the end of 2019

The group provided and discussed current knowledge on climate change, its effects and measures against it.

Parliamentary Group «Climate Change»

The Parliamentary Group Climate Change was founded by 8 members of the parliament on 19 september 1996. The first president was Gian-Reto Plattner, Council of States member. The first Vice-President was the National Councillor Christiane Langenberger. The group was dissolved at the end of 2019. Last co-presidents were Council of States member Raphaël Comte and National Council member Kathy Riklin.



ProClim − Forum for Climate and Global Change (ProClim)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern