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TRAINING (2.4.1)

ACP aims to strengthen and develop atmospheric research in Switzerland and make it better known. It is involved in research policymaking and in higher education and vocational training. It exchanges information with national and international organisations.

Image: NASA

Contributions on science in the journal Educateur

These contributions are part of the series dedicated to the contest “Science on Stage” and to the lack of young scientists that Switzerland has encountered for many years in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It is coordinated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences.

Logo revue l'Educateur

Cette série paraît dans la revue l'Educateur. L’Educateur est la seule revue suisse romande qui fournisse des informations régulières sur l’actualité scolaire dans les cantons francophones et sur les innovations pédagogiques. La revue est éditée par le Syndicat des enseignants romands (SER), organisme qui regroupe les associations cantonales d’enseignants.


  • Promotion of young talents


Science on Stage Switzerland
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern