TRAINING (2.4.1)

La ACP ha l’obiettivo di aumentare la ricerca dell’atmosfera in Svizzera, svilupparla ulteriormente e farla conoscere. È impegnata nella politica di ricerca, nell’istruzione universitaria e nella formazione professionale. Si relaziona con organizzazioni nazionali ed internazionali.

Immagine: NASA

ACP Award

The ACP Award for Atmospheric Research is granted by the Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Commission (ACP) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT).

The ACP Award is annually attributed to a young scientist for outstanding achievements during his/her PhD thesis in the domain of atmospheric research. The evaluation will be based on the submitted PhD thesis. Applications are possible until 18 month after thesis defense. The work should have been performed at a Swiss institution.

The award consists of a certificate, a citation and a donation of CHF 1000.
The award will be conferred at the ACP sponsored Symposium during the Annual Swiss Geoscience Meeting of the SCNAT. The award includes an invited special lecture on the occasion of this ACP Symposium.

If you are interested then please download the the application form. Deadline for applications is 31 August of each year.

ACP president Ulrich Krieger with Award winner Daniele Nerini
ACP president Ulrich Krieger with Award winner Daniele NeriniImmagine: ACP