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La ACP ha l’obiettivo di aumentare la ricerca dell’atmosfera in Svizzera, svilupparla ulteriormente e farla conoscere. È impegnata nella politica di ricerca, nell’istruzione universitaria e nella formazione professionale. Si relaziona con organizzazioni nazionali ed internazionali.

Immagine: NASA

Astronomy Roadmap

for Research and Infrastructure 2025–2028 and beyond by the Swiss Astronomy and Astrophysics Community

This community roadmap provides an updated view of the fast evolution of astronomy in Switzerland, with a clear emphasis on major (and new) developments in the field and on the associated large infrastructure needs in the years 2025–2028 and beyond. It has been prepared by the Swiss Commission for Astronomy (SCFA) of the SCNAT acting as the bureau of CHAPS, the College of Helvetic Astronomy Professors.

Astronomy Roadmap for Research and Infrastructure 2025–2028 and beyond by the Swiss Astronomy and Astrophysics Community
Immagine: SCNAT

The roadmap represents the view of the Swiss scientific community in the field of astronomy and astrophysics and is a formal element of the process to elaborate the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2023. This bottom-up contribution to the identification and selection of important national and international research infrastructures has been coordinated by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) on a mandate by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

Edizione / Volume: Swiss Academies Reports 17 (2)
Dichiarazione Pagina: 64
Numero standard: DOI:


  • Infrastruttura di ricerca


Prof. Dr Corinne Charbonnel
University of Geneva
chemin Pegasi 51
1290 Versoix
